
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

A Letter to my Sixteen Year Old Self...

Hey You! 

Well here I am 22 years later and I wanted you to know how much you are loved. There's a great God out there who sees way past all of the problems you are facing right now and He is going to turn it all around some day. Here are 7 things I want you to know:

  • 1. You know that smile that everyone keeps telling you lights up the room - they're not lying! God has given that smile to you so you can bring His Light into the hearts of many people. 

  • 2. That list you wrote of all the things you don't like about your body- Honey, you were fearfully and wonderfully made (well thought-out and planned) and not one inch of your body was mistakenly put there. No BODY is perfect, no matter what the magazines try to tell you. 

  • 3. That boy who stood you up on Queen Street and told you you looked better in the dark! He ain't got nothing on you! You don't have to hide your face in dark places to reveal your beauty- it will shine where it's value will be most appreciated. Don't let a boy define, abuse, or diminish your beauty. You are beautiful and no one needs to tell you otherwise. Embrace it and carry it as it gives glory to the One who created you that way. 

  • 4. Your dad, he loves you. He might not have been able to appropriate that love in a healthy and respectful way, but deep down he truly does. He just did the best with what he knew. Don't hate him for it. See him as God sees him and you won't waste so many of your years being controlled by your judgement of his faults.

  • 5. That pain you feel inside that causes you to take that craft knife to your skin so you transfer the pain to the outside, it's going to be healed. It's going to be used. It's all going to turn around and it's going to be okay.

  • 6. You are not your sisters shadow. Though she may seem more beautiful than you and more popular to them, what you have to offer the world in and of itself is enough to be confident in. Don't shrink back into the shadow of someone else. Rise up and sit under the light that you were born to shine in!

  • 7. And last but not least- that fear you've been battling; the fear of rejection- remember you are accepted in the Beloved! The fear of failure - remember that your mistakes are your teacher and they are going to help you pass your next test! The fear of loneliness- remember that you are never alone! There is a God who sees you...all the time and in every situation. He will never leave you nor forsake you! The fear of travel- you will travel fear free one day and you will know the safety of being under the shadow of the wings of the Almighty. 

My girl, if only I could reach into your skin again and live out your current days; basing your choices on your worth rather than your insecurities, your value rather than your damage. May our life be a message to help others know the truth behind the lies they have been told.. 

With so much love, 

Michelle Tiatia.

1 comment:

  1. Being half irish and a mere male, i cannot quite fathom if you are talking about yourself or your daughter: Are you able to heavy hint or simply translate from Ethieopy starting with an explaination about the 22yeras thing? Please? :) P T C :)
