I was born into a government that two years ago was rated least
corrupt in the whole world. The benefits
of that system were that all of the money that taxpayers paid, were by in large
used to benefit its people. Not just the ones who paid their taxes but also
those who couldn't afford to. Sometimes by no fault of their own. Other times
because of bad decisions they had made. Even the criminals who live in multi
million dollar facilities. Even those who chose bad lifestyles that forced them
into hospital. Even teenage mothers who found themselves with a baby to feed
and no income to feed it. A majority of their services were free thanks to
taxpayers money and a majority of it was unearned. Yet, this was a socially
acceptable way to distribute money and it hasn't yet hindered the economic
growth of our country.
I was born again into a new government system when I accepted
Jesus as my personal Saviour in 1997. I became a Citizen of Heaven. Jesus
became my new ruling agency. The Lord of my life. I voted him in. He won in the
election rally that was going on in my heart. I became a part of His party, His
Kingdom, His Church which the Bible says is His bride. I represent Him.
In Isaiah 9:6 there is a prophecy about the coming Messiah -
Jesus. Within that verse it says that the "government shall be upon His
shoulder". I found this commentary about that statement in Gills
exposition of the Bible. It says
And the government shall be upon his shoulder: not only of the
world in general, but of the church in particular; this child is born to royal
dignity; he is King of saints; his government consists in
ruling in the hearts of his people, in enacting laws for them, and causing them
to submit unto them, in subduing their enemies, in protecting them, their persons
and properties, rights and liberties, and in supplying them with everything
necessary; (emphasis added) and this government is delegated to him
from his Father, is devolved upon him by him, is not of this world, but is
spiritual; it is righteously administered, is peaceable, and will continue for
ever: and its being said to be "upon his shoulder" is an allusion to
magistrates having a key or rod laid on their shoulders, as ensigns of their
office, or carried by their officers for them, see Isaiah 9:4 and it shows that
it was laid upon him, or enjoined him by his father, though not against his
will; and it denotes a weight of honour and care bore by him, whose shoulders
are fit for the same, and equal to it; and that he is the prop and support of
his church and people, who are safe under his government and protection:
Two and a half years ago, we chose to come to Ethiopia and live
under the government system that exists here. We are subject to its every
mandate. We cannot live here unless we follow its rule. But the support it
offers to its people; tax payers and non tax payers alike is so highly
contrasted to that of our country of citizenship. Both in the natural and the
We see the effects of it every day. I felt the effects of it
yesterday as I woke up to an email from a poverty alleviation group I am on the
email list for. Its asking me to sign a petition to help move governments to
action so that more people in developing countries (like Ethiopia) can be
I reply irritated. I know FAR too many people who are still not
educated. I work with five.. I am asked constantly to work with more. To help
more receive the "free" education the government here has promised.
Yet they still charge for. More even than what we pay in New Zealand.
And then I start to talk with my King and I start to imagine. And
I post this status on Facebook:
Imagine if we viewed the Kingdom as a GOVERNMENT that sat upon the
Shoulders of its King. The heirs to the throne were set a part for the work of
the Kingdom. They were established to identify and help meet the needs of its
people. That like a democratic System it gathered the voice of its people and
then used its resources to fight the works of its opposition to gain a higher
party delegate. But not to benefit the party, but to ACTUALLY benefit the
people. With all its resources gathered, none of its members NOR even the
members of the opposition party should live in poverty because they understood
the meaning of relationship and giving because these are the foundational
principles of the Kingdom it serves.
See, more than the New Zealand government I was born into or the
Ethiopian government I am subject to, I am a child of the King and HE has MANY
children the world wide. The King of that government, as above, desires to
supply the needs for all of them.
Imagine if He was able to disperse those funds so that this desire could
be accomplished. But He is not a
forceful communist King. He is a Loving
Father who has supplied a book that is meant to bring “instruction, correction
and edification.”
He has instructed US, His children, Heirs to His throne, Princes
and Princesses, Kindgom citizens to GIVE to the poor. Not just to the church
bucket that passes around the pews of the church where everyone can see and tax
breaks are given, but also to those who will not give ANYTHING in return.
While I did some time in Bible College- two Bible Colleges. Both
experiences opened me up to two astounding facts I HAD never heard before and
have never heard since.
Early historical writings, around the time of the early church by a non-Christian writer, noted of the
"church" at the time that they were a people who LOVED eachother and
looked out for each other so much that they SOLD even their own things so they
could distribute their wealth equally.
Hello?! This is not some radical martyr pseudo facade these people
were pursuing. They were actually being obedient to their God and displaying
Him in all their generosity! They brought Him Glory with their sacrificial
The next Bible College I attended made me aware that 70% of all
instructions to give in the Bible were referring to giving to the Jerusalem
offering which was for the POOR.
Not to build nice buildings to attract some more people to be
comfortable. Or to put out the newest sound system. The offering was for those
in need. To share the gospel of Love thru actions of Love to represent the
Father of Love. The governor General.
I am currently reading a book called Radical- Taking back your faith from the American Dream by David Platt. I feel like we are kindred spirits. He writes in there:
The price of our non-discipleship is
high for those without Christ. It is
high also for the poor of this world.
Consider the cost when Christians ignore Jesus’ commands to sell their
possessions and give to the poor and instead choose to spend their resources on
better comforts, larger homes, nicer cars and more stuff. Consider the cost when these Christians
gather in churches and choose to spend millions of dollars on nice buildings to
drive up to, cushioned chairs to sit in, and endless programs to enjoy for
themselves. Consider the cost for the
starving multitudes who sit outside the gate of contemporary Christian
Oh imagine if we applied that selflessness, that Kingdom perspective to the global village that we live in. I believe the King wants that. I really, really do. Imagine how much glory His Kingdom would receive when the representatives of Him actually followed through on living out His commands to GIVE to the poor.
It sounds all very RADICAL and over the top. I totally recommend this book and selling
some of your belongings to help out your poor brothers and sisters who may not
be sitting outside your church gates, but are sitting somewhere crying out to
God for Him to help them. Maybe, just
MAYBE HE wants to use YOU to be a conduit of His blessing. Maybe in giving you might find that YOU
indeed end up being more blessed than those who receive. There is a chemical reaction, a release of
hormonal goodness that makes us feel Happy when we give, when we do GOOD. My second grade teacher in Australia called
them Warm Fuzzies. My fifth form teacher
in New Zealand may have called it endorphins.
But it comes as a result of selfless giving that is often hard for our
minds to comprehend or partner up with the act of giving away material
possessions that we hold so dear.
Oh Imagine how much more we could do. Imagine.