Ethiopia is a country that captured my heart as a little girl and one that's continuing to do so as a resident here with my family. God has a special heart for this country and He's written about His pursuit of her...Here I get to do the same... Psalms 68:31 "Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands unto God."
Monday, December 12, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Tigist was eight years old when she was taken from her home by a band who was visiting her rural township in Oromia. She was taken from her place of safety and familiarity to be the house slave of people she never knew, people who never appreciated her and people who never gave her anything in return for the tireless hours she worked as a little girl.
So ten years later, after being tired of having nothing for herself, Tigist ran away. On her journey to freedom, however, she found herself once again imprisoned in a rape attack that left her pregnant. At 18 years of age, she gave birth to a beautiful son she called Philemon. Her hope she found to get her through this horrible ordeal was in God. She recovered and raised her son. She attended church and started to work- earning good money to support herself and Philemon. Attracted by her confidence, beauty and wealth, Tigist was soon married to a man in her local church who seemed to have it all together. He attended church regularly and displayed commitment to the work of God. But after marriage, that changed.
Soon her husband became abusive, regularly drinking alcohol and chewing jutt (a local drug). He had no respect for Tigist or her son and would spend all the household money going out with friends to eat and drink while Tigist and Philemon were left at home with no food. She knew this wasn't right. She knew she deserved better, but once again, she found herself trapped. And once again, she found herself pregnant - with twins!
Nothing changed with her home situation- in fact it got worse. Not only did her husband stop going to church but he refused to let Tigist go to church- the only place she felt supported and nurtured. She was isolated, trapped and heavily pregnant. The only support she had for her family was the money Philemon was getting from his sponsor in Canada through Compassion. But soon she would have 3 mouths to feed and she didn't know what to do. So the babies were born and the next day, her husband left her.
Desperate now with no support, she had two new born babies, living in the slum and very little resources. She prayed and she prayed. Then one day, when the babies were two months old, she had a dream. In her dream there was a man with a white robe and a face, shining like the sun. He ordered two boys to give her many things- Ethiopian Birr, clothes, gifts. He ordered the Compassion people to release to her what she deserved. Encouraged by this dream, Tigist shared it with her Compassion social worker. She had been patient for so long and now it seemed like God was sending her a message- that good things are coming her way.
A week later, she received a visit from her Canadian sponsor. He was surprised and distressed to see her living in such poor conditions and troubled by her situation. He bought her a months worth of groceries then headed to Debre Zeit where he was about to spend two weeks with Blessing the Children. After he left, however, the landlord saw all of Tigist's gifts and immediately doubled her rent- far exceeding what she was able to pay. So she was out on the street. She was given a week in a temporary accomodation, but she didn't know where she would go after that.
Ignorant of what was going on in Tigist's life, Brad, her sponsor from Canada, had shared her story with the team in Debre Zeit. After much thought, he asked the director if they could move the family to be a part of Blessing the Children. Phone calls were made, and it turned out that Tigist's Compassion Co-ordinator was good friends with the director. They were happy to release her family to go to Debre Zeit but there were arrangements for accomodation that needed to be made first.
On his way out of Ethiopia, Brad made one more stop to visit Tigist. When he arrived, he found out that she only had four more days to move out. They hadn't found a house for them yet, so they were left questioning what to do. The twins were also in jeopardy as the father's family wanted to take them off her hands against her will. So the team in the van that day, talked about what they could do. She needed to leave town right away. God had been working in the heart of a man, who was not about taking people into his home, but had been convicted by the verses that say "When you do this for the least of these, you do it unto me." So he and his wife, briefly agreed that they should take them in. That they could make room, because they knew what it was like to have twin baby girls and that a slum was no place to raise babies. So that night, Tigist went with her family, to Debre Zeit. Every thing was set up for her when she arrived. A double bed for her and her babies. Clothes that were left to be donated by a missionary. Money was given for nappies and milk.
After all her waiting, Tigist was able to see the breakthrough. God has blessed her for her patience. We are so blessed to be a part of her life and the life of her children. They are beautiful and we now have four boys and four girls in our home. The even number I have wanted for a while. Thank you Jesus.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
It takes a village to raise a child
Siam's mum and Betty outside their home |
Siam's home. With her social worker Betty and visiting Susan from America |
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Gullivers Lessons
Asaua and Abraham -his right hand man on the field |
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Our new normal
After she had her first son, he got very sick when he was 1 years old. He went to the Hospital in Addis and ended up getting so sick that he died. She took her son back to Debre Zeit and brought him to church, the whole way crying out to Jesus to help her. She took him into church and felt heat and steam coming from his body. All of a sudden, he was brought back to life! He is now 6 years old. She has two younger sons now and talked about how she prayed to God to help give her food. She knew God could perform miracles but her cupboards were empty and her children were asking for food. Because of her children, she says, she now has food. Nigest, the Social Worker and Pastors wife that was translating all of this for me, explained that this ladies children were part of BCI.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Letting Go
“The LORD had said to Abram, "Leave your country, your people and your father's household and go to the land I will show you.” Gen 12:1
When God commanded Abraham to Go, there were some prerequisites- leaving his country, his people and his fathers household. He doesn’t just say Go, but he says leave – and leaving implies letting go, releasing. Saying goodbye. This I am beginning to learn.
I have been thinking about Abraham a lot lately. Not that I think that our calling is anywhere near like his. But as the first man ever for God to ask this of, I wonder how hard it would have been. We have people who have gone before us and succeeded, so in some way, we have insurance that what we are doing is possible. But Abraham had none of that. Now I understand why he is called the Father of Faith. His faith was based on what he could not see – or had ever seen. His faith was born out of obedience.
And obedience is something that I thought I was good at. But now I am being reminded of my sinful nature and my actual rebelliousness that I have to fight against almost every day.
For if it were just about Going, it would seem adventurous, exciting, something I’ve been waiting to do for the last 27 years. ..but it’s now actually about LEAVING!!
It’s about letting go of everything that has been familiar to us. Letting go of our securities and insecurities. Saying goodbye to my dream home. Saying goodbye to our school system that seems so reliable right now. Letting go of any dreams we had in New Zealand and leaving our homeland.
No longer is it the excitement that is keeping me up at night – although I am still very excited. But it is the realisation that life here in New Zealand is getting shorter every day.
Letting go is never an easy thing. I am writing this in Rotorua and remembering our move here 7 years ago. This was our first mission field away from our homeland. Moving here felt so hard back then yet now it seems so easy.
We learnt a lot in Rotorua. We learnt that Auckland isn’t the greatest place on the planet. We learnt that we could survive without our family and often actually did really good without them. That “better is a neighbor that is near than a brother far off.”
We learnt that life is not all about being busy – but about enjoying our kids while we can. We learnt that people appreciate you more when you leave your homeland to benefit theirs. We also learnt that when you leave all the things that brought you security, that God becomes your security.
We left our home to rent out while we were in Auckland and in that year it increased in value by one hundred thousand dollars. We learnt that God blesses your obedience.
One day, this letting go experience will have a different shadow that will fall from it. A new light will expose it’s inferiority compared to the greatness that will be done on the other side. I’m looking forward to that day!
“Understand, then, that those who believe are children of Abraham…So those who have faith are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith.” Gal 3:7,9.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
A visit to 2009
Friday, May 6, 2011
When Jesus takes you somewhere, like a real Gentleman, He opens the doors.
Yes, I have been on "missions" before where I thought that it was Divinely led-and may have ended up feeling "stood up" because I had initiated it myself and He wasn't in it AT ALL. But never before have I known like I know now, that He is the one who initiated this "date" and that He is going to be the Gentleman that He is and is going to do all these things-not just for me, but for my whole family.
So, just our date so far and what it has looked like. I talked about the 5am wake up call. This was the "initiation" - the asking of the date. He asked us all to GO OUT (out of our country, out of our comfort zone and out of our family home) - through my husband - and we respond like an excited teenage girl, being asked out by the best looking guy in school, and excitedly give a big "YES" reply!
The next thing God does (again, so gentleman-like) is let our dad (well Asaua's dad, that is) know that He is going to take us out. He does this through a dream that Asaua's dad has the night before Asaua warns him that he has some news. I love it when I hear of men who ask their girlfriends father's for their daughters hand in marriage. It's so romantic and it gives that sense of security to the father, that his daughter is going to be well looked after. It also makes it easier for the daughter to let her parents know that she will be "leaving" them and "cleaving" to her new husband. In the same way, this dream that Asaua's dad had, made it a whole lot easier for us to tell him that WE are not only going, but that we are taking his grandchildren across the other side of the world.
A true gentleman takes a girl out, giving her no obligation to pay the bill - at all. We too have that promise. He's told us to come with Him and to not worry about paying for us. As soon as we said "yes", we have found out a way that we can be supported in the internship that we are going to do for the first year. We also know that after the first year, the organisation that we are going to work with, are able to support us through funds raised in the States. We never would have known this if we had not said yes - IMMEDIATELY.
Just this past Sunday, Ps David McCracken, talked about Faith at our evening service. He said that beyond "incredible" faith, there is "another level of obedience-living in a realm where we don't have the circumstances to manipulate or rearrange-it's called UNREASONABLE FAITH!
Where we don't have a clue how it's going to happen but we know we have a WORD from GOD."
He said that "God is a CREATOR! He creates everything out of nothing! It's not our faith that creates anything but GOD spoke it, so He created it. (What a sense of relief!) But when we BELIEVE it and OBEY it, it draws it (whatever He has spoken into life) into the realm of our reality." Wow!
So, there we were- on Sunday night, thinking of how we are going to be having this big CLEAN UP and Working Bee at our house this Saturday (today as I write this actually) and how we need to put our house on the Market on Monday. I remember as I lie in bed, how originally. perhaps "heard from God," that we should sell our house for $350k. But last year when we had put our house on the market, I was told - after a failed attempt because I was trying to initiate this date- that we would be lucky to get what we paid for it 5 years ago - $310k. So, I thought, maybe we could settle for $325k, sell it privately and not have to pay anyone commission. (Just writing that word "settle", makes me cringe. Settling for the mediocre, is not the way of the Gentleman who asked us out on this date." My faith needed to be a bit more UNREASONABLE than that.
When you go out on a date with Jesus, He really does give you GRACE. Even without MY unreasonable faith, He still comes through...
Thursday afternoon, we get a phone call from our Real Estate Agent from last year. She wonders if perhaps we were interested in putting our house on the Market again. She has a buyer who are with a Government agency. "They have heaps of money", she says on the answer machine, and are needing to buy four bedroom houses in our area and only have a week to use up their budget. They are wanting to come around on MONDAY and want to settle by the end of JUNE (perfect timing for our departure in August.) Best of all, she says we should put the house on at $349k because they're not looking to undercut people, but want to pay the best price.
So we are just riding now, on this conveyabelt of Love. He says to "learn the unforced rhythms of His Grace" and so that is what He is teaching me- or us. He's overlooked our past mistakes. He's saying, come with me and watch how much I ACTUALLY love you. You look beautiful to me. You are my bride to be, and I am going to show You what I have in store for you - if you just TRUST me.
That's a Real Gentleman.
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011
To explain, here are the words of the song:
I hear the state of the world and it grieves me
I hear the cries of the broken from the rich and the poor
Smell the fear of disease all around me
I feel responsible now that I have seen
Because we all were born to live for more than this
So I wanna love like you love, Love like you love
Wanna love others the way that you love me
I wanna love like you love, Love like you love
Wanna love others the way that you love me
I've held the children unseen and they move me
I wonder what I can do to improve a thousand lives
I feel the absence of love and it scares me
I feel responsible now that I have seen
Because we all were born to live for more than this
I was that lost soul that you rescued
I was that orphan you adopted and brought into your heart
I was acquainted with the hopelessness of living in the streets
That was me
Now I'm gonna love like you love, Love like you love
Help me love others the way that you love me
I'm gonna forgive like you forgave, Rescue like you have saved
I'm gonna love others the way that you love me.
God has done so much for me. He blessed me into a beautiful country where we don't have to worry about dying from much other than our own lifestyles. He saved me from myself and sprinkled and poured his grace over my life when I was lost and when I got lost again in my own self. He has blessed me with a beautiful home and five healthy, healthy kids. I have an income that surpasses probably 50% of the worlds population.
I am blessed to be a blessing?
We say that and yet we underestimate our ability to be a blessing. If God has blessed us then we have a responsibility to be a blessing. We are surrounded with wealth, where in countries like Ethiopia, they are surrounded with the deadly reality of poverty and disease. Can I not just give beyond what I am already giving to make a change, as Israel says in his song - to improve a thousand lives.
Well, actually, yes I can. Last year, I was sent a proposal from a friend of mine in Ethiopia. An amazing man who wants to see his people's lives improved. His proposal is so thorough. It reminded me of proposals that I have put together for funding - ambitious, yet well thought through. A man who is willing to stand in the gap for his community, realising that somewhere out there, God has an answer to his prayer. He's been so proactive about it. He's already spent a year putting a water system in place in another village, received funding, then developed and educated a whole community on health while showing and speaking to them God's love.
Because of this great work, the government has given his trust board charitable status and his vision has expanded to another area, where no one has yet touched. This is the area, I have an opportunity to help. And maybe so do you.
This year, my project will be to raise money for this project. God sent me an angel to help me along. She is my daughter Lydia. Almost everyday, she reminds me that we need to do something. At the end of last year, her and her cousin put together a Charity idea. It is yet to be released, but it will be released and they will tell their story and you will have the opportunity to support. I hope you do. Watch this space!